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Exchange rate US$ 1 = KES 127.40
Service Fees
How much does PoaPay cost?
PoaPay is committed to providing you with the best exchange rates and low fees every single day. To view the current exchange rates and fees, log in to your account and select to send money.

Exchange rates & transfer fees
  • PoaPay's goal is to offer competitive exchange rates and excellent service. The exchange rate you see when you start your transfer is the actual rate you'll pay.
  • Transfer fees can vary based on how much you send, delivery currency you select, and if you have received a promotional discount.

  • Discounts & other fees
    Discounts, bonuses, and other payment fees might also have an impact the cost of your transfer.

  • Promotional rates: We offer promotional rates for new customers and during special periods [especially Holiday seasons]. Promotional rates are applied automatically when you send your first transfer with PoaPay and discount coupon code amount reflect after customer enters the same code.

  • Payment Method: If you use a credit card to fund your transfer, be aware that your bank may charge an additional cash withdrawal fee.

  • Dollar-to-Dollar Transfer: If you are sending funds to a dollar denominated account, extra fees will be applied based on the amount of transfer. Please confirm whether recepient account is USD denominated.

    Please refer to the chart below for our service fees when no promotional discount or other fees have been added.

    Transfer Funds Service Fee Payment Method
    $0 - $10.99 $0.5 Bank Account
    $11 - $20.99 $1 Bank Account
    $21 - $50.99 $1.99 Bank Account
    $51 - $100.99 $3.99 Bank Account
    $101 - $150.99 $4.99 Bank Account
    $151 - $200.99 $5.99 Bank Account
    $201 - $300.99 $6.99 Bank Account
    $301 - $400.99 $7.99 Bank Account
    $401 - $500.99 $9.99 Bank Account
    $501 - $600.99 $9.99 Bank Account
    $601 - $700.99 $9.99 Bank Account
    $701 - $1000.99 $10.99 Bank Account
    $1001 - $1200.99 $11.99 Bank Account
    $1201 - $1500.99 $12.99 Bank Account
    $1501 - $2000.99 $14.99 Bank Account
    $2001 - $2500.99 $17.99 Bank Account
    $2501 - $2800.99 $18.99 Bank Account
    $2801 - $3000.99 $19.99 Bank Account
    $3001 - $3500.99 $22.99 Bank Account
    $3501 - $4000.99 $24.99 Bank Account
    $4001 - $4500.99 $27.99 Bank Account
    $4501 - $5000.99 $29.99 Bank Account
    $5001 - $5500.99 $33.99 Bank Account
    $5501 - $6000.99 $34.99 Bank Account
    $6001 - $6500.99 $37.99 Bank Account
    $6501 - $7000 $39.99 Bank Account
       > $7,000  $50 Bank Account
    Bank Account Transactions
    You can send a remittance on PoaPay.com by using secure direct debit from an account you maintain at a United States-based bank. In order to save we recommend using our "internet Check" option as a method of payment.

    Credit and Debit Card Transactions
    You can send a remittance on PoaPay.com by using a valid MasterCard, Visa or Debit card. In addition to the referenced fees, however, please note that the credit card company will assess a charge equivalent to 3.49 % of the amount of the remittance. In order to save we recommend deducting the money directly from your bank account and using a credit or debit card only where emergency cash is needed.

    US Dollar Transactions
    For delivery in US Dollars, an additional fee of 3% of sent amount applies. KENYA Delivery is typically made on the third business day unless there is a bank holiday in KENYA or in the USA

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