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Prevention of Frauds, Scams and Elder Abuse


We urge you to consider carefully before sending money to anyone that you do not know well. In particular, you should be cautious of deals or offers that seem too good to be true.

Frauds often start with someone offering to buy something you advertised, pay you to do work at home, give you an "advance" on a lottery you've supposedly won, or pay an installment on the millions that you'll receive for agreeing to have money from a foreign country transferred to your bank account for safekeeping. Whatever the pitch, the person may sound quite believable.

Once you send money through a wire transfer, the funds cannot be retrieved. Be wary of any time someone you do not know well is asking you to send a wire transfer.

Elder fraud involves targeting older adults with false promises of goods, services, or financial benefits that do not exist, were never intended to be provided, or were misrepresented. Scammers will often target elderly people, asking them to send wire transfers and then keeping the funds.

If you think you or someone you care about has been the victim of fraud, a scam or elder abuse, contact PoaPay Financial Services immediately by telephone at 1-866-874-6474 (outside the United States, call 1-205-267-6043). If you are aware of anyone or any entity that is using the Service inappropriately, please email us at abuse@poapay.com.
The following websites offer more information on how to avoid frauds, scams and elder abuse:
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